1. Feed Homestead Poultry Starter-Grower (Medicated) for the first 4 weeks.  For the first few days, feed the chicks "little and often".  After this, they should be on full feed, that is, feed in front of them at all times.  It is essential that feed be kept fresh and that birds have continuous access to clean water.
  2. From 4 to 6 weeks, feed a mixture of 1 part Homestead Poultry Starter-Grower to 1 part Homestead Poultry Grower-Finisher.  Invrease the pen area to 4.5 meters squared per 100 birds.  Double the feeder space and water capacity.  By 6 weeks of age, the chickens will be consuming approximately 19kg of feed per 100 birds per day.
  3. At six weeks of age, change to  Homestead Poultry Grower-Finisher until desired market weight is achieved.
  4. Chicken can be grown to various weights.  As a rule of thumb, the younger, lighter birds are more tender but some people claim the heavier birds are more flavorful.  A broiler fryer usually weighs 2 kg while roasters will achieve weights of over 3.5 kg.  The pullets tend to be lighter than the cockerels at the same age. 

     Homestead Feed Features and Benefits:

     Feeding Schedule:








© 2008 Rooney Feeds Ltd.