Feeding Lactating Ewes
The pens for lambing must be kept clean, dry and draft free. Prior to lambing, group the ewes according to age and body weight to reduce the stress on pregnant ewes. Provide adequate pen and feeder space. Have ample clean fresh water available to lactating ewes.
Ewes and their lambs can be moved to hardening pens in small groups where they can be sorted according to the number of lambs, body condition, and age. Maiden ewes with their first lambs should be fed sepearately to reduce competition. Grain feeding levels for lactating ewes depends on number of lambs and ewe body condition. The protein level in th egrain ration depends on hay quality.
Mature Ewes Ewe Lambs
- ewes with singles .75 - 1.0 kg .75 - 1.0 kg
- ewes with twins 1.0 - 1.3 kg .8 - 1.3 kg
- ewes with triplets 1.4 - 1.6 kg